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From Personal To Planetary Transformation
Two million organisations are working to make a better world in spite of the negative factors that threaten to destroy us, according to Paul Hawken. The interdependence of all life is now an established scientific fact as it is now possible to connect all people in the world for the first time in human history. Yet, in 2007 three billion people barely manage to eke out an existence. Learn more abo... posted on Nov 02 2014, 5,164 reads


Garden Library: A Neighborhood Transformed By Creativity
"The Garden Library is like our mother," says Sudanese asylum seeker Najmeldien (Nadeem) Ahmed. "It felt like my life in Israel started when I found the library." The Garden Library is a nonprofit initiative founded by Israelis in 2009. It started with two bookcases in the center of Levinsky Garden, a public park in one of Tel Aviv's poorest neighborhoods, now home to many African asylum seekers. ... posted on Nov 01 2014, 19,092 reads


Dad Invents Bionic Pancreas For Diabetic Son
Inspired by his son David's experience living and managing Type 1 diabetes, Ed Damiano, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University, has invented a bionic pancreas that helps people with Type 1 diabetes manage their blood sugar. Read more to hear how the power of a parent's love has the potential to change the lives of millions of people living with diabetes.... posted on Oct 31 2014, 5,821 reads


DailyBread: A Simple Idea That's Feeding The Hungry
Simplicity can be disarming. That's what Carolyn North discovered. It started with an impulse to save the leftover Thanksgiving turkey her neighbor had discarded as trash. Thirty years later, she and a rotating team of friends-turned-volunteers have been quietly recovering surplus food and delivering it to free food shelters and pantries across the San Francisco Bay Area. ... posted on Oct 30 2014, 16,340 reads


Trash Into Treasure: 6 Cool Things Made From Sea Plastic
Garbage washed onto beaches of Kenya becomes shoes; old fishing nets are transformed into skateboard ramps. Read more to find out how people around the world are creating unique solutions for reusing plastic!... posted on Oct 29 2014, 19,772 reads


How To Practice Self-Compassion
We live in a society where we often feel as though we are in a state of constant competition in all areas of our lives: work, relationships, hobbies, and in turn, we are often overly self-critical. Practicing self-compassion can help us to restore feelings of self-worth and instill an inner peace to propel us in our actions.... posted on Oct 28 2014, 110,886 reads


From Silos To Solution EcoSystem
Through the ongoing progression of the internet and social media, the conventional and long-established way of doing business is starting to see a huge shift in how things are getting done. In William Eggers and Paul Macmillan's book, 'The Solution Revolution,' they describe a new dynamic in which various groups can move toward their goal much more productively than if each group pursued it separa... posted on Oct 27 2014, 11,512 reads


Jane Goodall On How To Reach Our Highest Potential
Enjoy this wonderful video from NOVA's series "The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers," where Dr. Jane Goodall, the world-famous primatologist, talks about what she feels is one of life's most important aspects -- empathy. Not only does she believe empathy plays a key role in her studies of chimpanzees, but she also feels strongly that having empathy for other beings in turn brings us closer ... posted on Oct 26 2014, 21,303 reads


Eight Keys To End Bullying
"I am hopeful. I believe we have an opportunity to change the culture of bullying among young people and I think the answer begins with those who live and work with young people every day. It is not complicated policies or grandiose programs that make the most difference, but rather consistent, daily, nurturing acts of reaching out to both children who bully and those who are are the receiving end... posted on Oct 25 2014, 21,941 reads


Alan Watts On The Art of Timing
Alan Watts had a singular way of dispersing our illusory convictions about pairings, such as belief vs. faith or money vs. wealth or productivity vs. presence or ego vs. true self or stimulation vs. wisdom or profit vs. purpose. In Does It Matter? Essays on Man's Relation to Materiality, he considers another such infinitely important duality -- the notions of hurrying and timing. Learn more about ... posted on Oct 24 2014, 11,192 reads


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I am not afraid. I was born to do this.
Joan of Arc

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